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SAN partners with community organizations

Working with SAN to provide a safe space for SAN's Pantry, monthly lunch, support group, drop in coffee times during office hours and HIV Testing location (July 2020)
SAN & Spokane Pride are housed in teh same space now and jointly operate the SAN/Pride Community Center onsite.  Spokane Pride puts on the Spokane Pride Festival and many other pride festivals in other communities.
Working with SAN to provide LGBT+ business community connections
Working with SAN to provide a supportive community environment and to learn from one another.
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HIV Case Management

Case management plays a vital role in helping HIV-positive individuals navigate and access the sometimes-challenging medical system and resources needed to stay healthy.
HIV/STD Testing Services
Everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 should get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care.
HIV PrEP Services
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a way people can reduce their risk of acquiring HIV.
North Idaho Alliance of Care
Working together to provide services throughout eastern Washington and north Idaho.
Supporting the West Central community since 1987.  Working with SAN to provide support items to clients like sheets, clothing and blankets.  Our Place also supplements our Pantry program.
Spectrum’s mission is to create a safe, intersectional, intergenerational, LGBTQIA2S+ community gathering space that celebrates a resilient, healthy community through social connectedness and support, arts and culture, access to resources, and leadership development.
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